Friday, July 11, 2008


This is bath time at His Home For Children an orphanage in Haiti. This is what I encountered my very first day ever in Haiti. Walking into the orphanage is overwhelming to say the least. Portacribs everywhere and children clinging to your legs calling you mama with their arms up for you to hold them. Just the amount of kids and realizing this is just one of hundreds of orphanages in Haiti brought me to tears immediately. Once you get used to the smell, heat, flies, and huge eyes searching you for attention and little hands reaching at you it is still heart breaking. I held and played and wanted to help them all. Most of these kids have adoptive families waiting for them to come home but the process is long, difficult and costly.

The children really did enjoy bath time and were playing a game where she threw the water on them. The kids are full of energy and laughter. It is amazing to me how resilent kids are. The orphanage has moved to a new building since then and the kids are able to be outside playing and there is much more room. They are bathed outside in tubs now. I thank God that I was able to witness these moments and let them change me and open my eyes and heart to the orphans of Haiti. My prayer every day is for Him to use me and give me opportunities to help them. Steph

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