Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well as a continuation of my last post I thought I would give you a top 5 list of great things about having an autistic son
5-says exactly what is on his mind
4-ability to memorize anything
3-always tells the truth
2-doesnt care what anyone thinks
1-Nick has the biggest best smile ever!

I took this picture last summer of my boys. It is my all time favorite!!

1 comment:

Rebekah Hubley said...

So glad to see you blogging!!!! It is really easy, and once you get going it takes little time! A year ago I would have said, "What's a blog"! Now I can add you to my blog list. Welcome to this crazy cyber world! I am so excited that Sendy is going to get her much deserved help! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I hope we can meet in the near future. You are so close to the other Co-Founder. Lori lives in Noblesville. I have a friend that lives in Westfield. Small world...