Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Why do I have a picture of Curious George? Well if you know anything about Autism you know that Autistic kids have obsessions. One of Nicks happens to be Curious George! Living with a child with Autism can be a challenge to say the least.
Top 10 Crazy Things Nick Has Done
10-cut the belt on the treadmill in half
9-emptied too many boxes of cereal on to the floor (and stomped on it) to count
8-sit naked all over the house (he hates the way clothes feel!)
7-dig a hole in the back yard, fill it with water and sit in it (now is a bird bath)
6-overflow the bath tub too many times to count too
5-colored on the walls and carpet in pretty much every room in the house
4-learned to add, subtract, multiply and divide in his head by the time he reached kindergarten
3-took scissors and trimmed all the hair off most of his beanie babies
2-took scissors to my bedroom wall and dug a hole in it to "escape"
1-on the night of his 2nd birthday in our new house he took a black permanent sharpie and colored the entire kitchen. Floors, walls, dishes, island, counters, himself and everything in between!
I love Nicholas!! He is so concrete and says the funniest things. Autism has wonderful sides to it as well. I never know what a day will bring.
There will be lots more fun stories of Nicks adventures to come!!!!!

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