Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Sendys Story

I first met Sendy last September when I was in Haiti visiting His Home for Children Orphanage in Port-Au-Prince Haiti. Her mother had brought her to the orphanage to give her up for adoption. I examined her and sat with Chris Nungester the director of the orphanage while she talked with Sendy's mother about whether they would accept her into His Home. Sendy was in very good shape. Her mother obviously took great care of her and loved her very much. In Haiti it is a good thing to have your child taken in by an American orphanage because you know they will be fed and recieve an education.

Sendy obviously had Hydrocephaly. Her head was very large. Her mother did not know what was wrong with her. She was 18 months old and unable to sit up, speak or feed herself. The orphanage offered to help Sendy get surgery if her mother would keep her but she decided that she needed to give Sendy up. She had no husband, several other children at home and lived with another woman that wouldnt take care of Sendy with her special needs. She needed to go out and work so she could feed her other children. His Home took Sendy in at that time.

When I returned home from Haiti I could not stop thinking about Sendy. I decided to start contacting some area hospital to see if anyone would help her.

I was able to find St.Vincent Hospital in Indy to do the surgery and we would take Sendy in for 6 months to care for her. We met with the hospital in January and everything seemed set to go for her to arrive in June.

Well long story short the doctor was not willing to put the shunt in and we didnt find out until 5 days before she was supposed to arrive. It was very difficult. I have spent a lot of time thinking, praying and worrying over this child. We are currently looking into a hospital in Lima, OH to do the surgery now and she could still live with us. More on that when we find something out.


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