Friday, January 15, 2010

More news from Haiti

We have confirmed that all our students, teachers, and workers are safe. I told Tom I thought that would be a miracle so I am claiming one in the name of Jesus!
Pastor has assessed the situation and feels we need to get a medical team in as soon as possible. We are going to be contacting Missionary Flights International for flights. Pray we can get in with them. We would like to start traveling as soon as next week.
There are a lot of logistics with peoples schedules, meds, flights etc to coordinate but I know God can do it.
The bus can get through to Chambrun so we will be working out of our clinic there and having patients trucked to us there to be treated.
For me specifically I need to get off work and get my kids watched. We do not have a leave date yet, it might depend on the flights more than anything.
Please pray for favor with flights, everyones bosses and work to be understanding, and for our families that are willing to let us travel to help.

On a sad note the first translator I had on my very first trip to Haiti died. He was with me all week and we spent many hours talking about the U.S. and Haiti and getting to know each other. He worked for Campus Crusade and was a friend of the Pierre family. He will be very much missed.

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