Monday, February 8, 2010


The amt of rubble is amazing. The closer you get into town the worse it gets. I did not take my camera with me downtown. We stood infront of the Presidential Palace and I cried for the first time on the trip. I had been there so many times before and many Haitians were standing around. Our translators were with us and I just thought of how they must feel. One of them gave me a hug and said "You need to stay strong" which I though was ironic. He was consoling me. The jail, the tax building, the Justice dept, the cathedral, and the Palace are all in a 3 block radius and all destroyed. It is undescribable what it looks like, smells like and feels like. In the middle of all this is a tent city and people going about business. Some sifting through rubble, some sitting on their rubble. I watched a man jump into a dumpster and sift through it getting all the clothing out and he put it in a pile. He tried on a shirt that was way to big for him so he took it off and left the pile neatly seperated from the garbage for the next person to go through. How heartwreching.
How they will ever dispose of all the rubble is big issue. There is not enough room in the city for all the displaced people so they will begin to move them to outer places around the city like the new place going in near Chambrun.

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