Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Other Random Things from the Trip

We saw military planes galore.
Boy with Lymphedema caused from parasites in the lymph system.

Waiting on the road.

Man walking his donkey.

Pastor Pierre's brother Joab. He was sitting alone with a far away look for a while. I wondered what he was thinking.

Cutie in the clinic. He wasnt too sure about this blond lady!

Grafitti wall we pass every day.

Tim RN taking out stitches in the clinic.

Our last morning we went to Chambrun for about an hour or so to tell everyone goodbye and get the next team going in the clinic. These boys were juggling rocks. It was a great day. We had sung worship songs prior to going out there with the translators and all prayed together as a group. I cried of course:) It is always bittersweet leaving. I love it there so much. Two weeks was a long time to be gone and I missed my boys (which I enclude Tom in when I say that). I had gotten sick right before we left too so I was ready, or as ready as I ever am. One of our translators Junior is an amazing guy. He was the one that had consoled me in front of the Presidential Palace and said to be strong. He walked us as far as he could at the airport and I said to him when we were all hugging him goodbye for him to listen to his own words and be strong now. He said "I can tell a part of you is Haitian, it is evident in you". I truly feel that when I am there. Everyone in Chambrun knows me know. Others on our trip said they would be standing with Haitians and when I would come into sight they would all start saying "Stephanie, Stephanie!" Even most I dont recognize anymore seem to know me. It is quite and honor and I am humbled that God has allowed me to be in such a position. They know I am there to help them and that makes me so happy.
Tom and the boys did amazing while I was gone. Im so proud of them. Tom has been extremly supportive. We prayed for our families back home everynight in out group prayers. I couldnt do this without my family and I thank God for them.
I plan to go back in April.

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