Tuesday, February 9, 2010

People of the IDP Camp

Images from the first IDP camp I went too. We did a food distribution that day too. The little guy in the last pic was so cute. He walked around all afternoon with his little bag of rice. They were grateful to say the least for the medical care and the rice. We got to tour this camp and walk through the tents. People were cooking, sitting and talking, kids were playing. The one little guy had a kite he had made from a plastic bag. Most of the kids make their toys from garbage. The string was even made from the bag. They were very gracious to let us walk around in their misery. It was slightly uncomfortable to see. Imagine someone touring your home on your worst day ever. They delighted in us playing with their kids and taking photos of them. The kids of course loved it.
I saw in the middle of the camp as we were walking a woman bathing her husband. I had never seen this practice before. She had a lg bucket of soapy water just out in the open. He had on just a pair of sm shorts. She was washing him. There is NO privacy there at all. They didnt have much before, now there is none.
Everyone has lost a family member there. We talked to one family that had 5 children die in their house. The mother sat in a daze with a baby on her lap and her husband next to her. They said their kids were "good, strong children" and now they are gone. They were praying for God to provide them a house and a school for the kids left to be able to go to. It was so so sad. We prayed with them.
Not something any of us will forget.

1 comment:

Kristie Cerling said...

Thank you for so many pictures and stories. As Sheri and I discussed, it is the job of us who have been there to keep the story alive and being told. The media is soon gone or only stories of looting, fighting, or missionaries taking children will be shared. Thank you!