Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Hands That Heal has a new patient comming tomorrow night from Haiti. His name is Georgey. He is 11 years old and we have been told he is a very pleasant child. He will be seeing a urologist in Indy and having genetic counseling done. Georgey was born with ambiguous genetalia. His care will be life altering for him and will require a very dedicated family with a lot of sensitivity to his emotional needs as we are not yet sure what all will be required to fix his specific needs until he arrives and testing can be done. Rebekah and her family will be keeping Georgey for a few weeks until we can find a longer term family for him. More information will be available as he arrives. If you are in the northern Indiana or Indy area and are interested in hosting him or know someone that might be, or would like more information on him please contact either Rebekah or Stephanie. Rebekah is also in need of clothing for Georgey. We are guessing he is a size 8-10 slim. Shoes and underwear are also a need. If you are in or near Ft.Wayne and can help with this please contact Rebekah.Prayer for Rebekah's family and for Georgey's transition would be very appreciated. His case will be very delicate and we do not have a lot of details yet.

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