Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This is Kweku. He is in an orphanage in Ghana. He sufferes from severe Cranial Stenosis (bones in his skull are fused at birth causing his head and eye orbits to not form properly). Hands That Heal has been contacted about possibly helping him. We have never worked outside of Haiti but have decided that we will try to help him. We are in the process of finding out what the U.S. Embassy in Ghana requires for a medical passport and making connections there for him. We already have a doctor wanting to help him! They are in the process of getting approval from the hospital. God seems to be laying out this for us. He needs a forever family as well.
We are unsure of what the costs will be and our funds are limited. We are praying that God will help us through everything with his case. He is apparently a sweet boy and desperately wants his eyes fixed. His treatment will entail 3 seperate surgeries.
Please pray that we get all the information and charity care we need to help him have a chance at a normal life and for Hands That Heal as we go through a new process that we have never done before.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Pryaing for this sweet boy!! I have a blogger friend that is adopting from Ghana! Have actually looked up the requirements for it..haha...I'm always looking for a kid...does it ever stop? I will pray that this boy gets over here asap and gets the surgery needed,and pray that this may mean more work for you and Ghana..Maybe you will branch all are doing a great thing...