Saturday, March 28, 2009


Well several of you know that we are leaving on Tuesday for Haiti. Tom's passport has not arrived nor will the one he applied for. VERY frustrating! He has decided that it is now a quest to get this thing. After many 30min hold sessions with the passport agency, and not much help, he is heading to Chicago on Monday morning to a different agency that can do them the same day. We had a serious hunt for another copy of his birthcertificate and found one we didnt even know we had! Yesterday we really thought he wasnt comming but after finding this copy we are hopeful that his appointment will work out on Monday and we will be heading out early Tuesday morning as planned. Thanks for your prayers. I will send an update as soon as I can when WE get there.


Pye's In Haiti said...

That happened with my daughter. We called and called with our leaving date coming closer and closer. We finally received her passport the day before we were to leave...of course, after paying the extra money to have it expedited!
Worried 10 years off me life!

Rebekah Hubley said...

Praying, Praying, Praying!!!!!!!!! Give me a call if you get a chance in all of your madness... :-) You and Lori are going to be in Haiti at the same time. That would be very funny if you guys ran into each other there!!!! She leaves Wednesday at 6am.

Lisa said...

I can't wait to hear all about the trip and to see some pics..Keep you guys in my prayers..