Thursday, February 19, 2009


We all need to be more thankful right? We need to thank God each day for the chance that He is giving us to minister, love and help others. It is not something that should be hard or work to do. We should be jumping up and down, praising Him, thanking Him for giving us the opturnity to serve Him yet again by loving, caring and showing His love to others. A sick child, let me love them, a unwanted person let me love them, a mad, angry, person, let me covered them with His love, a very unloveable person, let me wrap the arms of Jesus around Him, a person that needs some encouragement, God send me I am willing, I am here, I want to do all that you want me to do for YOU! Are you ready…….now think about all God has given you all your blessings, no complaining, no feel sorry for me, no, no ask God what you can do today for HIM. That is what its all about. HIM not us. (Taken from an amazing nurse in Haiti's blog) I truly love and believe what it says. I am so thankful for the opportunities God has given me to serve and continue to serve.

This is Ruth. She was very ill on one of my last trips with pneumonia. The team stopped at her house so I could examine her and talk with the mother and give her some medicines. It was very eye opening to see how they lived. The mother had taken her to another clinic a few days before but was afraid to give her the meds b/c she thought they might kill Ruth. The guys had stopped in the morning and prayed for her before we got there. She could hardly move and her mother said she had stopped breathing a few times that night. When we arrived to examine her she wasnt even there, she had walked out to where they use the bathroom! She looked very well. The power of prayer is amazing. We gave her some antibiotics, pedialyte and I gave her a few shots off the inhaler that her mother wouldnt use and a lecture about giving it to her. By the next day she was back at school! This was a very memorable moment for me in one of my trips.

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