Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Update on the Muellers

Well, not too much has been going on here. Pastor Pierre was here from Haiti last week and we went down to one of the medical organizations in Indy for a visit and he had dinner with us.

Ive been trying to pick up some extra time at work. Tom is enjoying nights still at his job.

Jeremy is taking piano lessons now. He really likes it and is still crazy about the choir and singing.

Nick played in the snow for a long time today. He loves to do that. He is having a hard time getting back into a school routine since Christmas break.

I am beginning to start planning for my next trip to Haiti the end of March, ordering the meds and such.
Sendy the little girl with hydrocephaly from Haiti that I was trying to get to Indy for surgery (unsuccessfully) finally made it here. She is in Ohio and had a shunt placed right after Christmas. Last I heard she is doing well. It is funny how God works sometimes and changes our plans. I am thankful that she got the surgery she needs.
I received an email from Shnaiders host family. He is doing very well still and they had a wonderful Christmas with him. He will be going back to have his shunt taken out in Feb. sometime.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh how I wish I could go with you to Haiti,too soon and not enough time off from work,but I do feel like one day our paths will cross and we will get together for a trip....