Thursday, September 18, 2008


This is one of my favorite pictures from Nick's childhood! Yes he is in the toilet with clothes, jacket and shoes on getting ready to eat toilet paper. My husband had brought him in from the car and went to get Jer out and came back in 30 seconds later to find this. He quickly got the camera and this picture will not haunt him for the rest of his life:)
Nick is really struggling with school this year. We are not sure what will happen, he might not be able to stay in. This is something I have known might happen and it is so hard. The people working with him at school are not able to get him to do what he needs to and Im not sure they are using the correct methods. We are trying some medication now as well. I am trying to communicate with them in positive ways and come up with better ways to help him. I know some of them are losing patience but others are still positive.
I dont know what is the best thing for him right now. If he truly cant function in a regular classroom I dont want to keep making him try to comply with what he cant do but I want to give him a fair chance to see if he can succeed.
They wouldnt let him go on a field trip with the class yesterday and we have had to give up riding the bus this week too. It is just a reminder that there will be so many things in his life that the Autism will limit him in and that makes me cry, A LOT. I am thankful for everything he can do and it could be a lot worse but it is hard to focus on those things when it is difficult.
Please pray that the medication might work and that he would have no side effects and that the school and us at home will see the right things we need to help him.
He right now has been the best he ever has at home which I find interesting with how he is struggling at school. He isnt thrilled with Shnaider but he has not had any fits or melt downs in a long time at home. That has been great for us.
Thanks for all the prayers!

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